Camargo Club

Cincinnati, OH

When a group of Cincinnati Country Club members proposed a new club in the 1920’s, eventually The Camargo Club was founded.  Routed and designed by Seth Raynor, sadly he never saw its completion, Camargo is a sneaky great place.  The logo is reflective of a true bygone time.  The dancing shoe represents the Camargo lady and the gun for the skeet shooting that used to go on there.  The polo mallet and riding crop are for the polo fields that also were utilized on the property, in addition to the putter.  In total, the Camargo crest is nostalgic, regal and most certainly distinctive.  The club and course in Indian Hill, OH is lauded by design aficionados for the MacDonald/Raynor template holes and quite a few make the case for the Eden and Short holes being among the absolute best.